Saturday, July 30, 2011

Visual Inspiration: Duets

Privyet! Saliem! Hello!

That is Russian, Kazakh, and, this one's tricky, English. I'm back from Kazakhstan land, and am once again a dual citizen of Canada land and Internet land. While I was away, I only used the internet twice, and now I find myself overwhelmed with how big it is. So many tweets and blog posts and So You Think You Can Dance videos to catch up on!
And then there's this blog, which, uh, I don't know what to do with. I feel so removed from the YA community and writing in general that it's left me with nothing to say.

What I need to do is write--I finally opened Word today, and it was scary--so for now, I'll leave you with Duets (my new WIP! Yes, new. About time, eh?) visual inspiration. I'm stealing this idea from multiple people, so multiple people, I think you are awesome. That's why I'm copying you.


So, what do you think Duets is about? I've thought way too much about these pictures, and though the order may not be chronological, the placement of the pictures definitely symbolizes the novel. I'll give you a hint: It takes place at the beach. And it possible involves duets. Never would've guessed, eh?

It's good to be back, and I can't wait to talk to all of you again!


Unknown said...

WELCOME BACK BRI!!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed Kazakhstan/adventuring the world like a cool adventurer person!

Ooh, ooh, here's my take on your WIP (I know it's spot-on so no need to correct me):

A girl finds a piece of paper, trades it to a boy for a magical guitar. Little does she know, the guitar causes you to jump off rocks compulsively! (Gasp!). But when the guitar touches salt water it turns into a really tall guy, and she kisses him because she luuuurves that woody-polished taste. HOWEVER, Guitar-Man dumps her, so instead she finds a magic piano who turns into a girl, and that girl becomes her BFF.

Call me a mindreader - I know I'm right. WHATEVER it's about, it looks FRAWESOME!

So glad to have you back!! <3

k said...

Woo! I hope you had fun!

Your WiP looks like summer romance, with music, which makes it even more awesome :)

And HAHAHA to the post above me. LOL SO GREAT.

Brittany Clarke said...

Welcome back! Things have been so quiet over here. You're new WIP looks exciting and romantic. Is this the story you were hesitant to start?

Bidisha said...

Hope you had a great trip, Bri!

Duets looks so good. And I love the photo selection. From what I see, this tells the story of a Guitar Girl and a Piano Girl and a Sea Boy who write in diaries and jump off cliffs. And oh yeah, makes music? Yeah, I thought so.

Hope this WiP works out great :))

Brianne Carter said...

Caitlin - Thank you! I think I'll add "cool adventurer person" to my bio.

It's a little disconcerning how close you are. Can you believe I wasted so much time on Challie with such a brilliant idea waiting to be written? Bad life choice right there.

KT - I did, thanks! lol The summer romance is a little obvious, isn't it? :P

Brittany - Thanks! That's what I've heard, glad I didn't miss too much excitement! lol This is not the Scary New Idea, as that died. Not out of fear, but I just haven't been inspired for it like I've been for this story. We'll see what happens with that.

Bee - You're right about everything except the diary, I just liked the rest of that quote :P And jumping off cliffs is yet to be determined. Thank you!

Nomes said...

oh my gosh ~ i love looking through everyone's inspiration like this. i love the top one and the ones of the girls together are awesome.

i might spend some time tonight looking for pics for my new WIP :)

Brianne Carter said...

Nomes - Thank you! Oh, I hope you do, I'd love to see it! :)

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