Sunday, November 14, 2010


On the Playlist: One by One - Robert Francis

This is a self-indulgent post written at midnight on an adrenaline rush. Don't say you weren't warned.

This post is just a quick update to let all of you know where I've been, what I've been up to, and when the blog will get back on its feet.

For the past two weeks, I've been in a fairly intense amount of pain. Now, there are three unrelated reasons for this pain, none of which should worry you. It's all pain I was supposed to have; for example, I got my wisdom teeth out last Saturday, and it's probably a good thing that I was in pain from it, but it didn't feel that way when I was living off a diet of milkshakes and jello. I was prescribed painkillers after I got my wisdom teeth out, with this magical little drug in them called codeine that made me useless. They didn't make me that dopey (though I did once try to pay for food in my school's cafeteria with my keys instead of my meal card), but they did make me tired as anything. I'm a university student, so I have class and homework. I'm also on the leadership team of my school's Christian Fellowship, so I have meetings to attend, and this past week we had an event that I helped to plan and run (I could've planned the date of the event better, eh?) Those are my priorities. They do leave time for writing and blogging and all that fun stuff, but that's now how I spent that time this past week. Thanks to codeine, I spent it sleeping (I also spent a fair amount of time wallowing in self-pity and watching guilty pleasure TV, like Dancing With the Stars.)

Needless to say, I fell behind on NaNoWriMo pretty quickly. Even before I got my wisdom teeth out, I was in pain for other reasons, and as much I wish it was, writing just isn't as important as school, the Christian Fellowship, and of course, keeping myself healthy. I called it quits around the end of the first week.

But, those weren't the only reasons I decided not to NaNo. At the end of October, I was stuck on revisions for Building Forts. Like, I've been trying to revise a scene for two weeks and just can't do it stuck. But, once I started my NaNo project, the inspiration for Building Forts came back. I'd kind of expected it to, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly, nor did I expect to be as inspired as I was. I mentally worked through some of the major issues in the first draft that I realized were preventing me from revising specific scenes, and once I had those figured out, all I wanted to write was Building Forts. So, that's what I'm writing now. The revisions are quickly turning into total rewrites, but that's ok. It's better and I love it again.

Now, I'm not in pain, the event with the Christian Fellowship is over, and there's no longer codeine running through my system. School, however, has not gone away. In fact, it's probably busier than it's been all semester from now until Christmas break. Blogging won't be as slow as it's been lately, but it'll still be slow, and I'm sorry for that. It's not just because I'm busy with school, but being sick and/or on medication like I've been tends to put me in a bit of a mental funk, so I need to take some time to bounce back from that.

And that's what's going on with me. If you read all of that, I owe you a virtual cookie. Seriously.


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