- Midterm season, which included a research paper, an analytical paper, a portfolio for creative writing, rehearsals for my Shakespeare performance project, and actual midterms, tried to kick my butt. I fought it the best I could, which meant I neglected this blog, neglected revisions, and neglected sleep.
- Uh, I watch a lot of television.
Really, it boils down to busyness and laziness which, when combined, are productivity's biggest enemy.
Now, I adore poetry. I love to read it, and it was all I wrote in, uh, elementary school. Beyond what's been required for school, I haven't written poetry since then and, needless to say, the poem I wrote at seven in which I likened the bathroom to prison wasn't exactly a masterpiece (though it's infamous in my family.) So, I was worried that everything I wrote would be terrible, I'd fail the class, and my professor who is also an editor would tell all of her publishing friends to put me on their blacklists. Naturally.
I have no idea if my portfolio will come back with an A or an F on it (yes, I only think in those two extremes), but, as I said, I felt good about it. That's because I experienced the same rush writing and revising some of the pieces that I do when I write and revise my novel (which is a far cry from poetry.) Admittedly, two of the poems that happened with had strong narrative elements to them (one was a prose-poem, and the other was a glosa), but they were still quite different from a YA novel due to length and other genre conventions. And, two of the poems I loved to write didn't have stories behind them at all. Ultimately, I wrote pieces I never would have written otherwise--pieces I never thought I could write--that I was happy with, and that was really, really cool (I know, I'm so poetic now.)
I took a break from novel revisions to focus on this project (and to, you know, pass my midterms), but I know that all the work I did for my portfolio will ultimately help me with my current novel and any future novels I write. The best gift this class has given me is the courage to experiment. Maybe I'll write more poetry, maybe I'll try a paranormal, maybe I'll attempt a dystopian. Maybe I'll experiment more within the contemporary genre. Maybe I'll enjoy it and maybe I won't. Maybe it'll work and maybe it won't.
I think I'd like to find out.
What genre do you write? Have you written in other genres? If so, what was your experience like? If not, would you like to try? Let me know in the comments!