Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine to Writing

I'm participating in the Valentine's Day Blog Lovefest over at YA Highway. Check out all the other wonderful Valentine's posts by YA authors participating in the blogfest! :)

Valentine to Writing  


So, hi. It's been awhile.

Look, I'm sorry. I know all the playlists, inspirational pictures, and hours spent reading The Fault in Our Stars won't make you come back. What you need is for me to open the Word document and spend some quality time with you. 

But you know, 2012 has kicked my butt. I've let it. Sometimes I forget that you're what makes me feel better through all of that.

Thanks for everything you've done. Thanks for bringing the right songs and people and settings and stories to me. It's helping, really--it'll just take a bit of time. 

And hey, it was fun when we hung out on Friday, even if it was only for 500 words. I haven't been that honest with anyone in awhile.

It may feel that way, but this isn't the end. We'll get back together and it'll be beautiful; we'll break-up and it'll be terrible--over and over again. Thanks for being with me when I need you to be, and for waiting for me when I need you to wait.

We'll come back from this.



Colin Smith said...

Awww! Thankfully, writing is very forgiving; it'll be there for you. Always. :)

Unknown said...

This is so lovely. Writing really is like a long-term relationship---there can be rocky times. But absence makes the heart grow fonder. I hope you spend more quality time with your Valentine soon <3

Angelica R. Jackson said...

I know just how you feel--I'm falling in love with my WIP all over again, after a too-long absence to revise my other book.

Unknown said...

"And hey, it was fun when we hung out on Friday, even if it was only for 500 words." - I'm so with you here. This is the kind of relationship I have with my current novel and my WIP. Writing is ever so patient!

Christine Macdonald said...

Ebbing and flowing... sauch is a writers love affair with their words.

Lovely post!


Jaime Morrow said...

I second this. And third it too. I've been in a similar boat lately. Thanks for sharing this :-)

Anonymous said...

Aw, that was beautiful. Last year I could have written the same letter to writing. And then, in August, we got back together and it was beautiful and passionate and wonderful.

Happy Valentine's Day

Crystal said...

Love this. "I haven't been that honest with anyone in awhile."

carey said...

i love this so much. it's exactly how i've been feeling lately. happy valentine's day!

Sarah Nicolas said...

I can definitely identify with this! Good thing writing is such a forgiving lover :-)

Brianne Carter said...

Colin - I'm so grateful for that!

Sarah - Thank you, I hope so too :)

Angelica - It's so nice to fall in love again, isn't it? :)

Donelle - Glad to hear I'm not alone! Oh, it really is patient.

Christine - Thank you!

Jaime - Seems the notion has been fourthed and fifthed, eh? Thanks for reading :)

Sage - Thank you! Glad to hear you got back together with writing :)

Crystal - Thanks! :)

Carey - Thank you!

Sarah - Yes, so glad it's as forgiving as it is :)

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