Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Road Trip Wednesday: All I Want for Christmas

Road Trip Wednesday is hosted by YA Highway.

This Week's Topic: What would be the ideal holiday present for your main character (or favorite character?)

I love prompts which give me an excuse to perform ridiculous Google searches! I have two main characters at the moment, Arianna and Tiffany. Arianna's a musical theatre geek, and Tiffany's the captain of a dance team.

Arianna: Be a Broadway Star Board Game 
Guys, if I knew enough people who love Broadway as much as I do and would be willing to play this with me, this would totally be on my Christmas list. It's a board game which takes you through the process of becoming a Broadway star, all the way from acting school to the Tony's. There are also Make or Break Cards which give you a chance to perform, and according to Amazon reviews, the challenges include, "Sing a Rodgers and Hammerstein song like a rock song." Arianna would love to live through a Broadway career without actually living through it, and she'll take any opportunity to perform, so this would be perfect for her.

Tiffany: Wireless Boombox
Tiffany likes to dance in the middle of a football field at midnight, and she has to dance with her iPod in her pocket and headphones in her ears. Speaking from experience, it's not ideal, especially when your iPod goes flying and you nearly strangle yourself. She could bring this boombox to the field and dance, which would not only be safer, but more of a rewarding experience since her music would fill her small town. It would also be great for dance team practices since her school doesn't have decent speakers in the budget, and its portability would allow her to travel with it to competitions. 

What would you buy your characters for the holidays?


Miss Cole said...

Haha, what a great idea for a board game!

...I totally want that boombox...


Anonymous said...

That game sounds like fun! (who doesn´t want to be a Broadway star?)
Hope Tiffany gets her boombox, it seems she really needs it!

Juliana said...

Oh, nice, I like that boombox!
I hope they find their ideal gifts under their trees ;)

Brianne Carter said...

Miss Cole - It's cool, right? I know, I want it too!

commutingigrl- lol I was thinking that as I wrote this, why havent I already given her one? Oh well, Christmas does happen in the story ;)

Juliana - I think they just might ;)

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