Thursday, June 17, 2010

My First Award!

On the Playlist: Songs in My Pocket - Bethany Joy Galeotti

I honestly never thought I’d get a blog award because 1. I’m boring 2. It’s a writing blog, and I talk about dance half the time 3. I make typos like they’re going out of style (no, I’m not sure when they were in style) and 4. I don’t own a collection of black Santas. TEN THOUSAND AWESOME POINTS IF YOU CAN GUESS WHAT BOOK I’M READING. Yep.

But today, I came online to discover that I’d received this award:
from Caitlin Darrell, Karla Nellenbach, Ellen, and LizPage who are all fabulous people that you should follow rightnow. Really guys, I’m pretty new to the YA community, and it means a lot to receive this, so thank you. You, and everyone else in the YA community, have like a bazillion awesome points for being so kind and helpful.

So, here’s the deal with this award. There are four things you need to if you receive one, which are:
1.Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself:
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award

Here are seven things about me:
1. I’d rather read a novel in paperback than hardcover.
2. I’m addicted to internet radio.
3. I’m a television junkie. And, truthfully, I’m a soap opera junkie. Not daytime soaps (with the exception of As The World Turns, which I was obsessed with for about a year), but shows with soap-like storylines. Yes, I am one of the people who still watches One Tree Hill, even though they did four stalker storylines within four seasons. Oy with the poodles already (a million awesome points of you get that reference).
4. God means everything to me.
5. I live off of Diet Coke.
6. I’m a huge nerd who honestly enjoys being in class and learning. My favourite part of university is not the social aspect, but the academic one. Yep. Proud nerd.
7. I want to teach as much as I want to write.

1. LizPage at Liz Page: Just Keep Writing
2. Karen Yuan at karen yuan!
3. Karla Calalang at Creative Blossoms
4. Nomes at inkcrush
5. Kara at Moomurs
6. Karla Nellenbach at KarlaNellenbach: The Last Word…
7. Caitlin Darrell at Caitlin Darrell: A (Sort-of) Life
8. Debra at houndrat
10. Vee at Ramblings of a Writer
11. Raven at Love Letters to Forever
12. Ellen at Word Thief
13. Glen Akin at Say it isn't so
14. bclemet412 at Abyss
15. Veronica Roth at The Artist Formerly Known as V.Roth


LizPage said...

OMG CAN WE BE BIFFLES??? Papers Towns, OTH even though Brooke's stalker line ended up cooler than Peytons, and Gilmores. Why yes...I do have a Gilmore Girl's tattoo. Okay, I might have two. Technically one is a Life and Death Brigade tattoo.

Thanks BB!

Debra Driza said...

I soooo have to read Paper Towns. Also, totes with you on the paperbacks v. the hard covers thing. Hard covers are way too heavy and unwieldy. ;)

Kara said...

Thanks for the award! <3 :)

Unknown said...

We should get together some time and listen to internet radio while chugging Diet Coke and talking about academia.

Seriously, though, you're awesome :)

Bidisha said...

Bri, thank you so much for the award! <33333

Nomes said...

Ooooh - thanks <3

And I love paperbacks too - I am waiting for books that are out in hardback to be released in paperback before I buy them :)

Glen Akin said...

You are so awesome :D thanks for this! And the seven things about you - hahaha! Wonderful :)

bclement412 said...

Oy with the poodles already- GILMORE GIRLS??? My favorite show ever. Thanks for the award!

karen yuan said...

Ahh, thank youu! <321

And 1. You are not boring. Nuh uh. 2. I MUST read Paper Towns.

Raven M said...

Thanks for the award! :)

Raven M said...

And I I loved Paper Towns! John Green is amazing.

Vee said...

THANK YOU *hugs*

And Paper Towns is freaking AMAZING :D

A Book Adventure said...

congrats on the award:)

Brianne Carter said...

Liz - K LET'S BE BIFFLES. LOL I totally forgot about Brooke's storyline, more Derek, Carrie, and recently, Katie. So, FOUR STALKER STORYLINES IN FOUR SEASONS. Way to go OTH, way to go.
Those tatoos sound awesome! You're welcome :D

hound - Yes, yes you do. Agreed about hardcovers, obviously.

Kara - You're welcome

Caitlin - Sounds like a party, I'm there.

Bee - You're so welcome! :D

Nomes - You're welcome! lol I used to wait for paperbacks because I'm cheap, but I really d prefer them.

Glen - You're awesome-er! You're welcome. lol Thank you!

bclement - Yes, Gilmore Girls, pretty much the best show ever. You're welcome!

Karen - You're welcome, and lol I appreciate that. Yes, go read Paper Towns!

Raven - You're welcome! Yes, Paper Towns is awesome.

Vee - You're welcome, and yes, yes it is

A Book Adventure - Thanks!

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