Oh friends, it's been awhile. It's not the first time I've disappeared from the blogosphere, and it won't be the last, but that's the fun of being a student. You have a couple calm weeks, then suddenly you're up until two in the morning and eating cookies for every meal breakfast and blasting the Backstreet Boys because it's the only way you'll get through and forgetting punctuation--
It's a lot. But I'm done in six days (!), and now that I have a self-declared afternoon off, I want to check in with all of you wonderful people.
It won't surprise you to learn that I haven't written more than the odd scene here or there. Those odd scenes, however, aren't from my WIP. They're from what I've temporarily titled the Crazy Story in My Heat (bestseller, right?)
The story is absolutely crazy and there's no way it could exist as a novel without some serious editing (I'd have to take out the pregnancy and show-stopping number and probably age the characters ten years..seriously.) And when I daydream about it or even write it instead of my novel (which is like 5% more sensible, to be honest), I feel guilty about wasting my time.
Which is silly, because it's fun, and writers are allowed to have fun. When I'm in writing-mode again, my focus will be my novel, but when I need a break? Of course I'm going to turn to the crazy story.
Sometimes we forget that writing is supposed to be fun. Sometimes we forget that life is supposed to be fun. Don't be afraid to remind yourself.
UGH FINALS. I'm so ready to go home for break! We can make it through!
I've had stories like that. And I've learned if you're stuck between a few ideas or writing one story because you "should" be...don't. I did that for too long and wasted my time. That crazy story in your heart is the one that matters most! Even if it doesn't go anywhere, it'll at least come out of your mind :) Great post and advice!
KT - Yes, we can make it! Good luck! :)
I do love my novel as well, and it probably has a larger chunk of my heart than the crazy one does (like a relationship compared to a fling ;)), so I think the answer right now is to write both :) Thank you!
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