Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Blogging!

On the Playlist: Hey Guys! It's Christmas Time! - Sufjan Stevens

I am done with exams (and if you're still suffering through them, I suggest you watch this video made by the brilliant dwkazzie, who also made the famous So You Want to Write a Novel video), which means it's winter break, which means I have no responsibilities for three weeks other than Christmas-y things, which means CHRISTMAS IS SO SOON AND I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T FIGHT MY URGE TO USE CAPS LOCK.

To spread some of the holiday cheer (or annoy all of you, we'll see how this goes), I'm re-vamping my blog with a holiday layout (check out other holiday layouts here), and from now until Christmas, most/all of my posts will be holiday-related. There will also likely be a New Year's post or two.

Some of the posts will be writing/reading related, and some won't be. So, lookout for posts about favourite holiday songs (really, I just want you guys to help me with my Christmas playlist), best books read in 2010, a Christmas teaser, and other posts related to this wonderful season. If I get a credit card over Christmas as planned, I will likely also do my first giveaway over the holidays, but I can't make any promise there.

I need your help! I would love to do a post of links to other holiday posts, so if you do one (this includes giveaways!), leave me a link in the comments, and I'll be sure to include it! You can either comment in this post or on a future holiday-related post. Also, if anyone who celebrates a holiday other than Christmas at this time of year is willing to do a guest post about the holiday you celebrate, please let me know in the comments. I don't want this to become too Christmas-heavy, and I'm sure everyone will get sick of me talking soon enough ;)

That's all! What do you guys think? Any holiday-themed posts you'd like to see? I'm totally open to/begging for suggestions. Don't forget to leave links to your own holiday posts!


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